Medical Amnesty legislation saves lives.
Each year, thousands of young people tragically lose their lives to alcohol poisoning and other alcohol related unintentional injuries. In situations where a minor is in need of emergency medical attention, studies show the worry is more about getting in to trouble and receiving a Minor in Possession/Consumption of alcohol (MIP) ticket, instead of the well being of that person. As a result, lives are put at risk.
Medical Amnesty legislation (911 Good Samaritan, 911 Lifeline) can eliminate these common fears by guaranteeing a limited immunity to the underage and intoxicated individuals who seek help for themselves or another individual who is in need of immediate medical attention.
Alcohol related unintentional injuries are a leading cause of death among young people in the United States.
A Cornell University study concluded that while 19% of college students reported that help probably should have been called for a highly intoxicated individual they were with, only 4% actually made the call
68% of teens report they fear getting in trouble and being cited by law enforcement when they drink
In a one year period following the implementation of one Medical Amnesty policy, the number of alcohol-related EMS calls increased by almost 700%. Studies also show that while 911 calls have increased and fear of judicial repercussion decreased, drinking levels stayed the same or dropped suggesting that the presence of the policy has not encouraged drinking.