WITH US is seeking a sample of public and private colleges and universities to participate in our national study on college student bystander behavior.

Participating campuses will gain a deeper understanding of student bystander attitudes, motivations, and barriers to helping across four focus areas:

(1) Sexual Violence: Sexual assault, sexual harassment, and intimate partner violence
(2) Hate, bias and discrimination
(3) Hazing
(4) Alcohol & Other Drug Misuse

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Participating campuses will receive detailed reports based on data from their surveyed students to help answer these research questions:

  • What are student attitudes around these campus issues?
  • How frequently are students witnessing these campus issues?
  • Are students stepping in to help prevent these campus issues?
  • What motivates them to help and/or holds them back from helping?
Benefits of Survey Participation

Comprehensive analysis of your institution's bystander climate within your local campus context.


Representative data of your undergraduate student population and the bystander situations they encounter.


Knowledge of context-specific bystander barriers that can inform campus policy and prevention programming.

Participation Details
Enrollment Process
Sign Up before February 1, 2024
What You'll Need to Do:
  • Complete enrollment and survey on-boarding.
  • Designate a point of contact for campus survey administration.
  • Confirm preferred time frame for survey implementation.
  • Securely provide a random sample of undergraduate student survey participants.
  • Remit participation fee to cover costs of survey administration and report development.
WITH US Support Team
What Will Our Team Provide?
  • Full survey dissemination through our Campus Labs software.
  • Marketing and communications support to promote the survey to your students.
  • Gift card raffle incentives to maximize response rates.
  • A comprehensive summary and highlight report of your institution's data.
  • An aggregate summary report of the entire national data set for comparison.
  • The unidentified raw data set you can utilize for further analysis.
  • Ongoing support from start to finish, with the option of ongoing consultation.
View 2022 Data
Summary Report
Administration Fees

Baseline - $2,500

Baseline includes the following services:
  • Full Survey Administration: invitations and scheduled reminders, personalized anonymous survey links, and targeted follow up with non-respondents
  • Centralized Survey Incentives: survey participants are able to opt-in to a raffle for Amazon Gift Cards
  • Raw Campus Data File: XLS or SPSS file of raw campus data that can be used for further analysis
  • Campus Data Summary Report: a campus-specific report of summary statistics and data visualizations compared to national sample, and implications for practice recommendations

Custom - $3,500

Custom includes all Baseline services plus:
  • Custom Items/Reports: add up to 10 additional survey items and receive up to 4 additional reports tailored to specific subsets/student demographics
  • Custom Supplemental Sample: survey a specific population in addition to your random sample
  • Custom Communications: add custom messages to the template invitation and/or reminder emails to your communications plan
  • Results Debrief Consultation: receive a 60-minute debrief meeting with an NCSBIS primary investigator to discuss your campus survey results

Early Bird Discount - $500 Off

Sign Up before November 1, 2023

Survey Participation Timeline
Campus Enrollment
Survey Window
Campus Enrollment
FAQ's About the Survey
What is the cost to participate?

$2,500 for Baseline services / $3,500 for Custom services
Early bird discount of $500 off (for either option) available before November 1, 2023

Who is being surveyed?

Random sample of 5,000 undergraduate students at up to 60 sites (4-year public and private colleges and universities) across the U.S.

Goal of the study?

The goal of this study is to gain a clearer understanding of why students fail to act in bystander situations that warrant intervention, and with this information develop evidence and context-based programs to empower students to be Upstanders.

Why focus on college students?

College campuses are expected reduce and mitigate these preventable harms in their communities, and research suggests that student bystanders (witnesses) can play a key role in acting as first responders to help their peers and shift campus culture.

How many campuses are beving surveyed?

A national sample of campuses are being contacted to participate and up to 60 campuses will be selected for this year's survey.

Who receives the data summary?

Participating campuses will provide a primary point of contact for the survey and a senior level administrator - only these contacts will receive the campus-specific survey reports and data summaries. Our center will only use the data in aggregate form for further research and publications.

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Interested in learning more about joining the study?
Submit the quick interest form below:

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